Julee Peck's TaeKwonDo America

8111-124 Creedmoor Road
Raleigh , North Carolina  27613

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Julee Peck's TaeKwonDo America, Raleigh

TaeKwonDo (foot-hand-art) is a beautiful expression of artistic movement. Through it's practice, students discover many qualities about themselves. Through this honest and pure art form, students identify their strengths and shortcomings and mature as responsible people. TaeKwonDo is the most effective method of unarmed self-defense, an intricate art, an exciting life sport, and a superior method of maintaining physical and mental fitness. The roots of this art date back hundreds of years to Tae Kyon in Korea. Today it has evolved to an international art through the efforts of, first, General Choi Hong Hi, developer of Chung Hun TaeKwonDo.


Martial Arts
